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December 13, 2008


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To: Websites administrator.
Re: Replacement of domain www.ui.edu to www.ui.ac.id

Dear Sir,
Greetings from the university of Indonesia.
I would like to inform you that from August 2008, the University of
Indonesia (Universitas Indonesia) has changed its web domain and returned
to www.ui.ac.id , based on the consideration that we use Indonesia (id)

We notice that in your web you have a link to our domain and would be very
grateful if you could change the link in your web to www.ui.ac.id to point
to our university.
We appreciate you eagerness to collaborate with us, and look forward for
further collaborative work with University of Indonesia’s member.

Yours Sincerely

Riri Fitri Sari
CIO/ Head of Information Systems Development and services of the
University of Indonesia
7th floor Kampus Baru UI Depok 16424 Indonesia
[email protected]

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